December to April (the first three months)

2005 December - 2006 April

Created by rhian 16 years ago
Well! We came home from the hospital 6 hrs after you were born. You were pronouced a fit and healthy big baby, and I was good too! However you had other plans that night! Oliver slept and slept and slept, and WOULD NOT feed! SO the midwife comes and she tries, but NO still no feeding, so back we go to the hospital where Oliver was monitored over night, with me feeling knackered! We were allowed home the next morning, and Thomas came home on the christmas eve. We had a first christmas and a family of four at mums that year and it was a lovely day, despite me still feeling pants. Over the first three months Oliver was a joy. Not all the time but the majority. There was always a problems with his feeding and we tried every bottle on the market as well as most formulas, but he was thriving and gaining weight each week. At 6 weeks Oliver went for his BCG injection and unlike his brother he barely whimpered, and then just carried on sleeping. Yes Oliver had colic and was bloody grumpy in the evenings, but he was funny too. His big brother adored him. During these first few months of life, Oliver did have an awful lot of coughs and colds and always seemed to have sticky eyes. i recall being up and down to the doctors and the health visitor all the time. Was I being a paranoid mother?> All the signs and people said yes, as he was doing so well in himself. Different from Thomas was that Oliver hated to be put down or left alone, he wanted to have people in his eye line all the time, sleep was not high on his adgenda as he had so much to see!Thomas used to fall asleep with me on the sofa but Oliver! nope! Oliver hated baths when he was tiny, and I guess this continued throughout his life! He had his first bath when he was one week old and he screamed and screamed, the cats were most unimpressed!!!!!! Oliver first smiled on Feb 21st 2006,and what a smile!, once he figued out how to do it, he did it so much. Around the same time he figured out that he had hands and would lay on his mat examining them.I do have a recollection of around three months old Oliver being very unimpressed that I put him on his belly to lay down that he rolled back over, but that was the one and only time he ever did this. Oliver knew his own mind even at this little age and if he did not like something he would bellow, but if all was ok in his world the smiles he gave would melt your heart! Around the beginning of April Oliver bacme unwell again, and I was too and from the gp with him, asking for help as my child was unwell, he changed and became tired all the time and had a really bloated stomach. After one week of visiting the GP every other day, I got fed up and changed gPs. The next day after this was a Saturday. We had been up throughout the night with Oliver and he really was not a well soul. I told David to take him to the hospital, as no one was listening to me, and I took Thomas to gymnastics. On the way back I drove Via the hospital to see if David was still there with Oliver (part of me expecting him to be home with some medicine), I knew he would be call it instinct but I knew something was wrong and had been for a while. We sat In A and E with Oliver and Thomas for hours. Thomas was great bless him but he got bored, so Dvaid took him home. A nurse(thank god for her) at some point after the many hours thought that Oliver looked jaundiced,so blood tests were done, and the next chapter of Olivers life began...........
